We have information on many other piano brands as well, both past and current. Information we have available on the historical brand Bradbury Piano Co.
Discover your Piano’s Age and Country Of Origin with our 5 Star Accuracy Guide to ensure the quality and reliability of each result. DO YOUR RESEARCH ON BRADBURY PIANOS AND YOU'LL FIND THEY ARE. There are times when your piano or number is not. The number is for the first piano made in year shown. Grand and baby grand pianos will have their serial numbers on or under the plate, directly behind the music desk (stand), or sometimes on a soundboard label in the middle of the piano under the strings. Serial numbers may also be found on the edges of the kickboard down below, sometimes on the edges of the fallboard (key cover) or sometimes on the underside of the top lid. Upright pianos will have their serial numbers either painted onto the cast iron backplate, or stamped into the pinblock underneath.
First, a how-to on where to find the serial number of your piano. Good question! And a simple one to answer.